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Switch on single-phase transformers with TSR

Vehicle isolating transformer with TSRL ready-to-use device up to 32A primary current. For primary currents greater than 32A, the TSRLF module is used together with a momentary switching solid state relay. Possibly also together with a bypass contactor.


Transformer switching relays for single-phase transformers are called TSRL or TSRLF.

TSRL means:
Transformer switching relay Low cost. = finished device.

TSRLF means:
Transformer switching relay low cost “fast” switching = Control module for momentary switching solid state relay or for thyristor modules.

Halogen lighting transformers with TSRL

Halogen transformers usually get very hot. But this does not have to be the case. See also publications in the trade press.


Transformers for halogen lighting that do not need to be continuously dimmable can be designed with particularly low losses if the inrush current is avoided by a TSRL. If a toroidal transformer is used, for example, a transformer three times larger can simply be used, which can then only be fused to a third of the rated current. The no-load losses are negligible.

Mains half-wave defect effect, voltage dips, on transformers, (according to EN61000-4-11)

Depending on the position of the dips on the voltage curve, very short voltage dips can lead to iron core saturation in transformers and trigger the fuse. -This can be reliably avoided with a TSRL.


Medical devices sometimes have to be tested with voltage dips.

The diagram is an example of a voltage dip that is shorter than that generated in the test and the subsequent reaction of a transformer, which triggers the fuse.

Short-circuit strength of TSRL and measurement of fuse tripping times

Conventional inrush current limiters are generally not short-circuit-proof. TSRs, on the other hand, are.